Senator Montgomery urges the NYC Planning Commission to stand with the community and reject the ULURP application to rezone 142-150 South Portland Avenue.

Comments to the City Planning Commission on South Portland LLC and Randolph Day Care Center, INC, Application 180096ZMK and 180097ZRK to rezone 142-150 South Portland Avenue in Brooklyn

Senator Montgomery stands with her constituents and submits testimony to Chairperson Marisa Lago and members of the New York City Planning Commission urging the Commission to reject the ULURP application to rezone 142-150 South Portland Avenue.


I respectfully request that you reject the recent ULURP Land Use Review Application 180096 ZMK, 180097 ZRK, submitted by the South Portland LLC and Randolph Day Care Center, INC regarding the proposed rezoning of 142-150 South Portland Avenue.

In 2007, Fort Greene/Clinton Hill was rezoned in an effort to protect and preserve the predominantly brownstone character of the neighborhood’s residential core. The block in question is a part of the contextual re-zoning area. If this ULURP is approved, it will impose non-contextual height and density and open the door to further such applications in the area moving forward.

A large number of constituents have raised concerns as to why MDG Construction didn’t apply for a variance but instead applied for a rezoning which would not be limited to the proposed development site(Lots 30-33 and 37). This approach seems to be indicative of a larger agenda that extends past developing 142-150 South Portland Avenue. My constituents have expressed that approving this application would betray the trust of Fort Greene/Clinton Hill residents who fought to acquire the contextual rezoning of 2007.

Lastly, I am well aware of the church’s longstanding history with the Fort Greene community and the good work they have done in the area. It occurs to me that there has to be a better way for the Seventh-Day Adventist Church of Hanson Place to expand their community services, provide affordable housing and develop their property without rezoning the entirety of the block in question. Partnering with a reputable non-profit who specializes in developing affordable housing would be a good place to start.  

I join Community Board 2 and its residents in voicing my strong disapproval of this proposal and hope you take our concerns into consideration. 

To learn more about the proposal to rezone 142-150 South Portland Avenue and to view the video footage of the April 11th, 2018 New York City Planning Commission Hearing, visit:

To learn more about Senator Montgomery's work on this issue, visit: