Thompson Holds Annual School Supply Giveaway. "Tools for Success."

Antoine M Thompson

August 25, 2010

For Immediate Release
August 27, 2010
Contact: Ken Houston | 716.854.8705|


Niagara Falls, NY – New Yorl State Senator Antoine Thompson ( D-parts of Erie & Niagara Counties) is helping equip Niagara County students for a successful school year by holding his annual School Supply Giveaway.   The items are free and will be handed out on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE basis according to the student’s grade level.

An advocate for quality education, Senator Thompson says he wants to help ease the financial burden on parents as they prepare their children for a new school year. “This is always an exciting time of the year, and it’s important that we equip our children with the proper tools for a quality education.”

Who:  Antoine Thompson, New York State Senator, 60th District

What:   School Supply Giveaway

When: September 4,  1 pm until 3 pm

Where: Niagara Falls District Office, 1902 Main Street

Co-sponsors for the School Supply Giveaway: Niagara Falls Board of Education