12 Dec 2023

Public Hearing: To receive testimony on the causes and effects of poverty and concentrated poverty in New York’s medium- and small-sized cities, and policies the legislature can work to implement to reduce poverty

Legislative Office Building

Hearing Room A, 2nd Flr 182 State Street , 2nd Flr, Hearing Room A, Albany, NY, 12247

11:00 AM Archived Video

Senate Standing Committee on Cities 2
Chair: Senator Rachel May
Public Hearing: To receive testimony on the causes and effects of poverty and concentrated poverty in New York’s medium- and small-sized cities, and policies the legislature can work to implement to reduce poverty
Place: Roosevelt Hearing Room A, Legislative Office Building, 2nd Floor, Albany, New York
Time: 11:00 A.M.
Contact: Amy Gunnells (518) 455-2838
Media Contact: Dan Messineo (315) 478-8745

YouTube Video

past Cities 2 committee events

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